Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

5 Crazy Ideas that Failed in World Military History

World War II occurred during the six years starting from 1 September 1939 and ending 2 September 1945. Almost all the countries in the world affected by war, including the two largest military power at the time, the Allied powers (Britain, France, the United States) against the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan).

Due to the length of the time span of war, it gives birth to ideas for defeating the enemy. These ideas could be considered weird, crazy and eccentric. But, whatever the idea is legitimate for the sake of winning a battle.

The following is a summary of the 5crazy idea that failed in the military history of the world:

1 Changing plans Hitler Being Female

This is the idea that the most eccentric, bizarre and crazy that transform Hitler into a woman. This plan was made ​​by the allies who aims to win World War II and gives a negative impression of Hitler in front of his supporters and break the deadlock war.

The plan was to smuggle estrogen into the food of the Fuhrer and Hitler are expected to be more feminine and less aggressive then gradually transformed into a woman's genitals.

The tactic involves gardener hired as a British spy in charge of mixing the hormone estrogen in the food served to Hitler. And of course with a very large fee.

The problem: The hormone is never mixed into foods Hitler. The gardener was throw it in a warehouse, then he fled with the money.

The result: Plans to make Hitler a woman failed miserably!
2. Big Buzz Operation

Operation or Operation Buzz ig big buzz is the next eccentric ideas in military history. Military operations or by using animal or biological attack is not new on the battlefield. And it also happened in 1955.

The United States plans to make weapons of mass destruction by using mosquitoes were released in enemy territory in the hope of the enemy forces will be infected with yellow fever, so it will be easily overpowered.

The plan these mosquitoes will be dropped from a plane from a height of 91 meters, and tested in the state of Georgia.

The problem: Mosquitoes are small animals, lightweight and easy breeze. And at the time of the trial, these mosquitoes actually spread by the wind.

The result: Failed. Operation is actually attacking its own citizens
Cannon super V3 is a pretty big project eccentric Hitler during World War II. Hitler wanted a very large missile to destroy his enemies, it creates an idea to create a super missile V3.

The missile is planned to bombard London and Luxembourg circa 1944-1945. The missile will be placed in a booster rocket that is very long and formed like a thousand feet.

The booster rocket is a long term nearing Pas de Calais region in northern France.
The problem: Since the booster is very long then easily attract the attention of the enemy.

The result: failure and instead bombarded by the enemy

4. Le Blockhaus

Le Blockhaus is a bunker built by the Nazi German dictator, Adolf Hitler. At the moment it is something that makes regular bunker.

Hitller build a bunker as a headquarters, offices and hideouts. Hitler building bunkers to protect themselves and attack troops from allies in World War II.
Le Blockhaus is a bunker that was built in 1943-1944.

Bunker size is very large, thick, and not destroyed by enemy attacks. The bunker was originally created to facilitate the launch of the V2 ballistic missile and is designed to accommodate more than 100 missiles. This bunker proved strong enough and is not attacked by allied forces.

The problem: Because the bunker located in the ground. Then it can be easily attacked or bombed out of the ground. British government during World War II into enemy Germany, managed to create a bomb that could dig and find yourself shooting targets, called Tallboy bomb.

The result: Failed. Le Blockhaus destroyed by Tallboy bomb

 Tsar Tank was a crazy idea monster tank development in Russian military history made ​​during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II.

Tsar Nicholas II was a megalomaniac, and at the time it creates a large object is something extraordinary and amibisinya. Tsar Tank is a gigantic tanks ever built in 1915, the diameter of the two front wheels nearly 9 meters, 1.5 meters of the rear wheels, tank body about 12 meters.

Turrets on high as 8 meters and there are two other towers on the left and on the right side of the body Tsar tank. Tsar Tank weighs approximately 40 tons and has a maximum speed of 17 km / hour. August 1915 the giant tank at the trial in a forest in Moscow.

The problem: Tank is very large and heavy. Initially running smoothly a few meters ahead, but when passing through the mud, the tank monster dilumpur stuck and can not be moved again.

The result: The project failed. Tanks abandoned in the mud and a few years later in 1923, the population around the tank cut up into small pieces and sold as scrap metal.

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